Saturday, March 1, 2008

Is blogging journalism?

Is blogging journalism? Or is it just a way for folks to vent?

Give us your opinion here, and join us for "The Ethics of Blogging" at 10:30 a.m. April 26. at KSHB-TV, 4720 Oak Street, Kansas City.


Alex Parker said...

That's a question being debated all over the interwebs, isn't it? I think it depends on what your definition of journalism is. You could call Josh Marshall at TPM a journalist, right? But what about Perez Hilton? Aren't both of them disseminating information? I would say the blogs of my fellow MTV Street Team members ( count as journalism, but maybe not the pajama-clad basement dweller writing about his cat. It's all in the content and purpose of the blog.

PRMavenKS said...

Bloggins is journalism only if only facts and details are reported on a story, situation or happening presented in an unbaised manner following the rules of jounralism.

Peg Nichols said...

Hey, the blog is back! Who can post on the blog? I would guess that only the administrator (you) can originate a post on the blog, but any reader can add a comment. I note you already have a picture of the speakers of this afternoon -- that's great. People like you and Mary Rupert have been the real mainstays of this organization.

About Me

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Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Treasurer Kansas City Press Club General Manager/News Coordinator KUJH-TV William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications University of Kansas I'm a graduate of Central Methodist University (BA) and the University of Missouri (MA). I've worked for television stations in Oklahoma City, Wichita, Cedar Rapids and Asheville. I was news director of KOMU-TV, Columbia, and managing editor of KCTV, Kansas City. I have done consulting work in Indonesia and Hong Kong.